Merry Christmas from Russia!
Christmas is the time for yummy cookies, tasty punch and delicious dinners. We asked our colleagues to reveal their favourite Christmas recipes.
On December 9th, Maxim Keshin (Technical Specialist for High Precision GNSS Correction Systems, HPPS @ Mitsubishi Electric Germany) from Russia, tells us what’s his favourite Christmas cake.
Napoleon cake
“A fine ornament on a festive table!
Russian Napoleon cake is a traditional recipe that is popular with young and old alike.”
Napoleon cake
For the dough:
250g butter (cold)
1 egg (cold)
200 ml of cold water
520g flour
10g baking powder
1 pinch of salt
flour for the work surface
For the cream:
1 liter of milk
170g butter (room temperature)
300g sugar
4 eggs
60g flour
// For the dough, mix flour with baking powder, add cold butter and chop finely.
// Add egg and cold water and quickly knead into a soft dough. Divide the dough into 9 pieces and place for 1.5-2 hours in cold.
// Then roll each piece thinly into a circle out, bake at 210 ° C for approx. 5 – 7 minutes and let it cool down.
// Roll out the leftover dough, bake and crumble it.
// For the cream, mix eggs and flour. Put milk and sugar in saucepan, heat, remove from heat and stir the egg-flour mixture in slowly.
// Then simmer the mixture for 1 – 2 minutes until it gets a pudding-like consistency, and at room temperature let it cool down. Add soft butter and vanilla and mix until cream becomes homogeneous.
// Spread the cream on the cake bases and stack them on top of each other. Sprinkle the cake with the crumbs and refrigerate for about 8 hours.